seahorse entertainment 应用

Women's Day 1.0
Don’t you know what to write to yourfriendsand family this Happy Women’s Day?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withHappyWomen’s Day sentences for all those who you want aswell.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Function: the best message with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in yournativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Feliz Páscoa Mensagens 1.0
Não sabe o que escrever para os seus amigosefamiliares nesta Páscoa? Deseja enviar lindas mensagens deumaFeliz Páscoa para todos aqueles que você ama?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Páscoa para as pessoas que vocêquerbem.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens de Feliz Páscoa noseuidioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towriteto your friends and family this Easter? Do you want tosendbeautiful messages of a Happy Easter to all those youlove?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withHappyEaster sentences for people you want as well.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all Happy Easter message inyourlanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Frohe Ostern 1.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Frohe Ostern zu schreiben? Haben SieschöneNachrichten von einem Glücklich Guten Tag Ostern fürallediejenigen, die Sie lieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mit FroheOsternSätze für alle diejenigen senden, die Sie auch wollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know whatyou'rewriting this Happy Easter to your friends and family? Do youhavebeautiful news of a Happy Easter Good day for all those whohave tosend love?Good. With this app you can for those who send the best imageswithHappy Easter phrases that you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Happy Easter Messages 1.0
Don’t you know what to write to yourfriendsand family this Happy Easter? Do you want to sendbeautifulmessages of a Good Happy Easter for all those youlove?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withHappyEaster sentences for all those who you want as well.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Function: the best message with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in yournativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Felices Pascuas Mensajes 1.0
¿No sabes qué escribir a sus amigos yfamiliaen esta Pascua? ¿Quieres enviar bellos mensajes de BuenosDías dePascua para todos aquellos que amas?Pues bien. Con esta aplicación, usted puede enviar las mejoresfotoscon frases de Felices Pascuas para todas las personas quedeseeasí.Son bellos mensajes de diversos tipos, desde el clásico hasta elmásdivertido, adecuado para sus necesidades, que puedes compartirpormedio de correo electrónico, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,FacebookMessenger, Viber, QQ, línea, Mixi , ICQ, Telegrama,Twitter y otrasredes sociales.Características:★ La gratuidad: se puede descargar y utilizar la aplicacióngratuitaen su teléfono;★ Manejo fácil: sólo tiene que deslizar el dedo sobre las imágenesyelegir el que más nos guste;★ Utilidad: los mejores mensajes con las imágenes más bellasparaenviar;★ Calidad: las mejores imágenes seleccionadas especialmenteparati;★ Idioma: encontrarás todos los mensajes de Felices Pascuas ensuidioma;★ Compartir: disponible para todas las redes sociales, serviciosdecorreo electrónico y mensajería;★ Memoria: el servicio que se ofrece es completamente en línea,esdecir, no se almacenarán las imágenes en su teléfono, haciendodela mayor parte del espacio en el dispositivo;★ Navegación: la aplicación está totalmente mejorado parafuncionarsin problemas;★ Disponibilidad: puedes guardar todas las imágenes que desee eneldispositivo con sólo pulsar un botón;★ Compatibilidad: la aplicación es compatible con losteléfonosmóviles y las tabletas, la adaptación de la mejor manera asudispositivo.Nota:★ La aplicación requiere Wi-Fi, 3G o 4G para cargarlasimágenes.You do not know whattowrite to your friends and family this Easter? Want tosendbeautiful messages of Easter Good morning to all thoseyoulove?As well. With this application, you can send the best pictureswithphrases Happy Easter to all persons wishing well.Are beautiful messages of various types, from classic to morefun,suitable for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, line, Mixi,ICQ,telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: You can download and use the free application onyourphone;★ Easy operation: simply slide your finger on the images andchoosethe ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages to send the mostbeautifulimages;★ Quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: Find all posts by Happy Easter in your language;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail servicesandmessaging;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimagesare not stored on your phone, making the most of the space onthedevice;★ Navigation: The application is fully upgraded torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on thedeviceat the touch of a button;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G to load images.
Dia da Mentira Mensagens 1.0
Não sabe o que escrever para os seus amigosefamiliares neste Dia da Mentira? Deseja se divertirenviandomensagens engraçadas do Dia da Mentira?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases do Dia da Mentira para todos aquelesquedesejar.São mensagens de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas até asmaisdivertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens para você enviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens do Dia da Mentiranoseu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towriteto your friends and family this April Fool's Day? You want tohavefun sending funny messages Fool's Day?Well. With this app, you can send the best images with AprilFool'sDay phrases for those who wish.Are messages of various kinds, from the classic to the mostfun,suitable for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ ,Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best message to send you;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: You'll find all the April Fool's Day messages inyourlanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Feliz Dia das Mães Mensages 1.0
Não sabe o que escrever para asmaravilhosasmães que fazem parte da sua vida neste Dia dasMães?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Dia das Mães para todas aquelasmãesque você quer bem, sejam da sua família ou amigasqueridas.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens de Feliz Dia dasMãesno seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towritefor the wonderful mothers who are part of your life thisMother'sDay?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withphrasesHappy Mother's Day to all those mothers you want good, to beyourfamily or dear friends.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages Happy Mother's Day inyourlanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Fröhlichkeit Tag 1.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Frohen Internationaler Fröhlichkeit Tagzuschreiben? Haben Sie schöne Nachrichten von einem FrohenGutenMorgen für alle diejenigen, die Sie lieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mitFrohenGlücklichkeit und Fröhlichkeit Tag Sätze für allediejenigensenden, die Sie auch wollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know what youcanwrite your friends and family this Merry Internationalcheerfulday? Do you have beautiful news of a Merry Good morning toallthose that you love to send?Good. With this app you the best images with Merry happinessandcheerfulness day rates for all send those you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Dia da Felicidade 1.0
Não sabe o que escrever para os seus amigosefamiliares neste Feliz Dia Internacional da Felicidade?Desejaenviar lindas mensagens de um Bom Dia Feliz para todosaqueles quevocê ama?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Dia da Felicidade para aspessoas quevocê quer bem.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens de Feliz DiadaFelicidade no seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towriteto your friends and family this Happy International DayofHappiness? Do you want to send beautiful messages of a GoodHappyDay for all those you love?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withphrasesHappy Day of Happiness to the people you want as well.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all posts by Happy Happiness Day inyourlanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Dia do Homem Mensagens 2.0
Não sabe o que escrever para osmaravilhososhomens que fazem parte da sua vida neste Dia doHomem?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Dia do Homem para todos aqueleshomensque você quer bem.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towriteto the wonderful men who are part of your life on this DayofMan?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withphrasesHappy Day Man for all those men that you want as well.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all the messages in your language;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
4th of July Messages 2.0
Don’t you know what to write to yourfriendsand family on this 4th of July? Do you want to sendbeautifulmessages of a Happy Independence Day for all those youlove?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures with Happy4thof July sentences for all those who you want as well.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Function: the best message with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in yournativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Merry Christmas
Don’t you know what to write to yourfriendsand family this Christmas?Do you want to customize your mobile device with thebestChristmas-wallpapers?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withChristmassentences for all those who you want as well, and has, atyourdisposal, beautiful wallpapers Christmas-motives to customizeyourcellphone.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ double function: the best message to send the mostbeautifulimages to set as your phone's wallpaper;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in theirnativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Memorial Day Messages 1.0
Don’t you know what to write to yourfriendsand family on this Memorial Day? Do you want to sendbeautifulmessages of a Good Memorial Day for all those youlove?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withMemorialDay sentences for all those who you want as well.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Function: the best message with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in yournativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Day of Happiness 1.0
Don’t you know what to write to yourfriendsand family this Happy International Happiness Day? Do youwant tosend beautiful messages of a Good Happy Day for all thoseyoulove?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withHappyHappiness Day sentences for all those who you want aswell.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Function: the best message with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in yournativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Dia do Amigo Mensagens 3.0
Não sabe o que escrever para os amigosmaravilhosos que fazem parte da sua vida neste Dia do Amigo?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá desejar um Bom Dia eenviar as melhores imagens com frases de Feliz Dia do Amigo paratodos aqueles que você quer bem.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas até asmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que você podecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter e outrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamente no seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedo pelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagens paraenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmente paravocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais, e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja, asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando você aaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsem problemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiser emseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelulares e tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G para ocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what to writeto the wonderful friends who are part of your life this dayfriend?Well. With this application, you may want a Good Day and send thebest pictures with phrases Happy Friend's Day to all those you wantas well.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classic tothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share via email,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app on yourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the pictures andchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful images tosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all the messages in your language;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail and messagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, the imageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the most of thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced to runsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on your devicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobile phonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Frohes Neues Jahr
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie zu Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Neues Jahr zu schreiben?Möchten Sie Ihr mobiles Gerät mit der besten NeuesJahr-Wallpaperanpassen?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mit FrohesNeuesJahr für alle, die Sie wollen, als auch, und hat zuIhrerVerfügung, schöne Hintergrundbilder Neue Jahr motive,IhrMobiltelefon anpassen zu senden.Es gibt schöne Nachrichten von verschiedenen Arten, von derKlassikbis zur am meisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können SieperE-Mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber,QQ,Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialen Netzwerken teilen.Charakteristik:★ Trinkgeld: Sie herunterladen und nutzen Sie die kostenlose AppaufIhrem Handy;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie gerade mit Ihrem Finger über dieBilderund wählen Sie die deine Lieblingsoutfits;★ Doppelfunktion: die beste Nachricht, die schönsten BilderalsHintergrundbild Ihres Handys gesetzt zu senden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Nachrichten in ihrer Muttersprachezufinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail undMessaging-Dienstezur Verfügung;★ Speicher: der Dienst angeboten wird, ist komplett online, sodassdie Bilder werden nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,undhilft Ihnen, das Beste aus dem Raum auf Ihrem Handyzumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig erweitert, umeinenreibungslosen Ablauf;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie alle gewünschten Bilder in Ihrem Gerätmiteinem einfachen Tastendruck zu speichern;★ Kompatibilität: die Anwendung mit Mobiltelefonen und Tablets,dieAnpassung optimal auf Ihrem Gerät kompatibel ist.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know whatyou'rewriting to your friends and family this New Year?Do you want to customize your mobile device with the best NewYearWallpaper?Good. With this app you can download the best images with HappyNewYear for all that you want, as well, and has to adapt yourmobilephone to send at your disposal, beautiful wallpapers motivesNewYear.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun for your needs, you can email, SMS, MMS,Google+,WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, telegram, Twitterandother social networks divide.Characteristics:★ tip: you can download and use the free app on your phone;★ Easy to use: you just slide your finger over the images andselectthe ones you like best;★ dual function: the best news, the best pictures set aswallpaperon your phone to send;★ quality: the best ones selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the news in theirnativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail and messagingservicesavailable;★ memory: the service offered is completely online so thattheimages will not be stored on the phone, and will help you tomakethe most of the space on your phone;★ Navigation: The application is fully expanded, torunsmoothly;★ Availability: to save all the images in your device with asinglekeystroke;★ compatibility: the use of mobile phones and tablets,theadjustment is optimally compatible to your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Dia da Mulher 1.0
Não sabe o que escrever para asmaravilhosasmulheres que fazem parte da sua vida neste Dia daMulher?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Dia da Mulher para todasaquelasmulheres que você quer bem.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens de Feliz Dia daMulherno seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towriteto the wonderful women who are part of your life in thisWomen'sDay?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withphrasesHappy Women's Day to all those women who you want aswell.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all posts by Happy Women's Day inyourlanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Mensagens de Carnaval
Não sabe o que escrever para os seus amigosefamiliares neste Carnaval?Quer personalizar o seu aparelho celular com os melhores papéisdeparede de Carnaval?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Carnaval para todos aqueles quevocêquer bem, além de ter, à sua disposição, lindos papéis deparedecom motivos de Carnaval para personalizar o seudispositivo.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Dupla utilidade: as melhores mensagens para enviar e as maisbelasimagens para configurar como papel de parede do seucelular;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seuidiomanatal;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.I do not know whattowrite to their friends and family in this carnival?Want to customize your mobile device with the bestCarnivalwallpapers?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withphrasesHappy Carnival to all those you want as well, and has, atitsdisposal, beautiful wallpapers with Carnival reason topersonalizeyour device.Are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classic tothemost fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by e-mail,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line,Mixi ,ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ Easy handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ double function: the best message to send the mostbeautifulimages to set as your phone's wallpaper;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all the messages in theirnativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Liebessprüche 2.0
Weißt du nicht, was für die Liebe IhresLebenszu schreiben?Zeigen Sie Ihre Leidenschaft für Ihre große Liebe.Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mit LiebeSätzesenden alle für die Person, Ihre Liebe, die Sieliebenauszudrücken.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not you know whattowrite for the love of your life?Show your passion for your great love.Good. With this app you can download the best pictures withlovesentences send all for the person to express your love,youlove.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: they will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Corpus Christi Mensajes 1.0
¿No sabes qué escribir a sus amigos yfamiliaen este Día de Corpus Christi? ¿Quieres enviar bellosmensajes deFeliz Día de Corpus Christi para todos aquellos queamas?Pues bien. Con esta aplicación, usted puede enviar las mejoresfotoscon frases de Corpus Christi para todas las personas quedeseeasí.Son bellos mensajes de diversos tipos, desde el clásico hasta elmásdivertido, adecuado para sus necesidades, que puedes compartirpormedio de correo electrónico, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,FacebookMessenger, Viber, QQ, línea, Mixi , ICQ, Telegrama,Twitter y otrasredes sociales.Características:★ La gratuidad: se puede descargar y utilizar la aplicacióngratuitaen su teléfono;★ Manejo fácil: sólo tiene que deslizar el dedo sobre las imágenesyelegir el que más nos guste;★ Utilidad: los mejores mensajes con las imágenes más bellasparaenviar;★ Calidad: las mejores imágenes seleccionadas especialmenteparati;★ Idioma: encontrarás todos los mensajes en su idioma;★ Compartir: disponible para todas las redes sociales, serviciosdecorreo electrónico y mensajería;★ Memoria: el servicio que se ofrece es completamente en línea,esdecir, no se almacenarán las imágenes en su teléfono, haciendodela mayor parte del espacio en el dispositivo;★ Navegación: la aplicación está totalmente mejorado parafuncionarsin problemas;★ Disponibilidad: puedes guardar todas las imágenes que desee eneldispositivo con sólo pulsar un botón;★ Compatibilidad: la aplicación es compatible con losteléfonosmóviles y las tabletas, la adaptación de la mejor manera asudispositivo.Nota:★ La aplicación requiere Wi-Fi, 3G o 4G para cargarlasimágenes.You do not know whattowrite to their friends and family at this Corpus Christi Day?Wantto send beautiful messages of Happy Day Corpus Christi forthoseyou love?As well. With this application, you can send the best photoswithquotes from Corpus Christi to all persons wishing well.Are beautiful messages of various types, from classic to morefun,suitable for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, line, Mixi,ICQ,telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: You can download and use the free application onyourphone;★ Easy operation: simply slide your finger on the images andchoosethe ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages to send the mostbeautifulimages;★ Quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language:'ll find all messages in your language;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail servicesandmessaging;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimagesare not stored on your phone, making the most of the space onthedevice;★ Navigation: The application is fully upgraded torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on thedeviceat the touch of a button;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G to load images.
Worte Gottes 3.0
Senden wunderbare Nachrichten und BilderdesGlaubens, der Vergebung, Zuneigung, Freundschaft, Freude,Glück,Leben, Erfolg, Familie, Barmherzigkeit und Liebe Gottes füralleIhre Freunde und Familie, so dass sie einen guten Tag wünschenunddas Wort Gottes zu teilen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sieteilenper E-Mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger,Viber,QQ, Linie, Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderensozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Send wonderful newsandimages of faith, forgiveness, affection, friendship,joy,happiness, life, success, family, charity and love of God forallyour friends and family, so they want a good day and to sharetheword of God.They are beautiful messages for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi, ICQ, message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Guten Morgen Bilder Beiträge 1.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Guten Morgen zu schreiben? Haben SieschöneNachrichten von einem Glücklich Guten Morgen für allediejenigen,die Sie lieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mit GutenMorgenSätze für alle diejenigen senden, die Sie auch wollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know whatyou'rewriting this Good morning your friends and family? Do youhavebeautiful news of a Happy Good morning to all those that youloveto send?Good. With this app you the best images with good morning setsforall send those you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Gute Nacht Bilder Beiträge 4.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Gute Nacht zu schreiben? Haben SieschöneNachrichten von einem Glücklich Gute Nacht für allediejenigen, dieSie lieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mit GuteNachtSätze für alle diejenigen senden, die Sie auch wollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know whatyou'rewriting this Goodnight your friends and family? Do youhavebeautiful news of a Happy Good night for all those that youlove tosend?Good. With this app you can for those who send the best imageswithGoodnight records that you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Frauentag 1.0
Sie wissen nicht, was mit denwunderbarenFrauen zu schreiben, die in diesem Tag der Frau ein TeilIhresLebens sind?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mitPhrasenglücklichen Tag der Frauen zu allen jenen Frauen schicken,die Sieauch wollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: finden Sie alle Beiträge von Happy Tag der FraueninIhrer Sprache verfügbar;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.You do not know whattowrite with the wonderful women who are part of your life inthisWomen's Day?Good. With this app you can send the best pictures withphraseshappy Women's Day to all those women who also want.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: Find all posts by Happy Women's Day inyourlanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Schönen Abend Bilder Beiträge 2.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Schönen Abend zu schreiben? Haben SieschöneNachrichten von einem Glücklich Schönen Abend für allediejenigen,die Sie lieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mit SchönenAbendSätze für alle diejenigen senden, die Sie auch wollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know what towritethis nice evening your friends and family? Do you havebeautifulnews of a Happy Beautiful evening for all those that youlove tosend?Good. With this app you the best images with good eveningsendrecords for all the ones that you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Feliz Dia dos Pais 3.0
Não sabe o que escrever para o seu painesteDia dos Pais?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Dia dos Pais para homenagear ohomemmais importante da sua vida.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towritefor your dad this Father's Day?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures with phrasesofHappy Father's Day to honor the most important man inyourlife.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all the messages in your language;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Happy New Year.
Don’t you know what to write to yourfriendsand family this New Year?Do you want to customize your mobile device with the best NewYearwallpapers?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures with HappyNewYear sentences for all those who you want as well, and has, atyourdisposal, beautiful wallpapers NewYear-motives to customizeyourcellphone.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ double function: the best message to send the mostbeautifulimages to set as your phone's wallpaper;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in theirnativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Frohe Weihnachten
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie zu Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Weihnachten zu schreiben?Möchten Sie Ihr mobiles Gerät mit der bestenWeihnachts-Wallpaperanpassen?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mitWeihnachtssätzefür alle, die Sie wollen, als auch, und hat zuIhrer Verfügung,schöne Hintergrundbilder Weihnachtsmotive, IhrMobiltelefon anpassenzu senden.Es gibt schöne Nachrichten von verschiedenen Arten, von derKlassikbis zur am meisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können SieperE-Mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber,QQ,Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialen Netzwerken teilen.Charakteristik:★ Trinkgeld: Sie herunterladen und nutzen Sie die kostenlose AppaufIhrem Handy;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie gerade mit Ihrem Finger über dieBilderund wählen Sie die deine Lieblingsoutfits;★ Doppelfunktion: die beste Nachricht, die schönsten BilderalsHintergrundbild Ihres Handys gesetzt zu senden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Nachrichten in ihrer Muttersprachezufinden;★ Speicher: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-MailundMessaging-Dienste zur Verfügung;★ Speicher: der Dienst angeboten wird, ist komplett online, sodassdie Bilder werden nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,undhilft Ihnen, das Beste aus dem Raum auf Ihrem Handyzumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig erweitert, umeinenreibungslosen Ablauf;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie alle gewünschten Bilder in Ihrem Gerätmiteinem einfachen Tastendruck zu speichern;★ Kompatibilität: die Anwendung mit Mobiltelefonen und Tablets,dieAnpassung optimal auf Ihrem Gerät kompatibel ist.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know whatyou'rewriting to your friends and family this Christmas?Do you want to customize your mobile device with the bestChristmasWallpaper?Good. With this app you can download the best pictureswithChristmas rates for all that you want, as well, and has atyourdisposal, beautiful wallpapers Christmas motifs, adjust yourmobilephone to send.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun for your needs, you can email, SMS, MMS,Google+,WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, telegram, Twitterandother social networks divide.Characteristics:★ tip: you can download and use the free app on your phone;★ Easy to use: you just slide your finger over the images andselectthe ones you like best;★ dual function: the best news, the best pictures set aswallpaperon your phone to send;★ quality: the best ones selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the news in theirnativelanguage;★ memory: for all social networks, e-mail and messagingservicesavailable;★ memory: the service offered is completely online so thattheimages will not be stored on the phone, and will help you tomakethe most of the space on your phone;★ Navigation: The application is fully expanded, torunsmoothly;★ Availability: to save all the images in your device with asinglekeystroke;★ compatibility: the use of mobile phones and tablets,theadjustment is optimally compatible to your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Día de la Mujer 1.0
No sabes qué escribir a lasmujeresmaravillosas que son parte de su vida en este Día delaMujer?Pues bien. Con esta aplicación, puedes enviar las mejores fotosconfrases de Feliz Día de la Mujer a todas aquellas mujeres quedeseeasí.Son bellos mensajes de diversos tipos, desde el clásico hasta elmásdivertido, adecuado para sus necesidades, que puedes compartirpormedio de correo electrónico, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,FacebookMessenger, Viber, QQ, línea, Mixi , ICQ, Telegrama,Twitter y otrasredes sociales.Características:★ La gratuidad: se puede descargar y utilizar la aplicacióngratuitaen su teléfono;★ Manejo fácil: sólo tiene que deslizar el dedo sobre las imágenesyelegir el que más nos guste;★ Utilidad: los mejores mensajes con las imágenes más bellasparaenviar;★ Calidad: las mejores imágenes seleccionadas especialmenteparati;★ Idioma: encontrarás todos los mensajes de Feliz Día de la Mujerensu idioma;★ Compartir: disponible para todas las redes sociales, serviciosdecorreo electrónico y mensajería;★ Memoria: el servicio que se ofrece es completamente en línea,esdecir, no se almacenarán las imágenes en su teléfono, haciendodela mayor parte del espacio en el dispositivo;★ Navegación: la aplicación está totalmente mejorado parafuncionarsin problemas;★ Disponibilidad: puedes guardar todas las imágenes que desee eneldispositivo con sólo pulsar un botón;★ Compatibilidad: la aplicación es compatible con losteléfonosmóviles y las tabletas, la adaptación de la mejor manera asudispositivo.Nota:★ La aplicación requiere Wi-Fi, 3G o 4G para cargarlasimágenes.You do not know whattowrite to the wonderful women who are part of his life inthisWomen's Day?As well. With this application, you can send the best pictureswithphrases Happy Women's Day to all those women who wantwell.Are beautiful messages of various types, from classic to morefun,suitable for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, line, Mixi,ICQ,telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: You can download and use the free application onyourphone;★ Easy operation: simply slide your finger on the images andchoosethe ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages to send the mostbeautifulimages;★ Quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: Find all posts by Happy Women's Day inyourlanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail servicesandmessaging;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimagesare not stored on your phone, making the most of the space onthedevice;★ Navigation: The application is fully upgraded torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on thedeviceat the touch of a button;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G to load images.
Día de la Felicidad 1.0
¿No sabes qué escribir a sus amigos yfamiliaen este Feliz Día Internacional de la Felicidad? ¿Quieresenviarbellos mensajes de un buen día feliz para todos aquellosqueamas?Pues bien. Con esta aplicación, usted puede enviar las mejoresfotoscon frases del Feliz Día de la Felicidad para todas laspersonas quedesee así.Son bellos mensajes de diversos tipos, desde el clásico hasta elmásdivertido, adecuado para sus necesidades, que puedes compartirpormedio de correo electrónico, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,FacebookMessenger, Viber, QQ, línea, Mixi , ICQ, Telegrama,Twitter y otrasredes sociales.Características:★ La gratuidad: se puede descargar y utilizar la aplicacióngratuitaen su teléfono;★ Manejo fácil: sólo tiene que deslizar el dedo sobre las imágenesyelegir el que más nos guste;★ Utilidad: los mejores mensajes con las imágenes más bellasparaenviar;★ Calidad: las mejores imágenes seleccionadas especialmenteparati;★ Idioma: encontrarás todos los mensajes de Feliz Día delaFelicidad en su idioma;★ Compartir: disponible para todas las redes sociales, serviciosdecorreo electrónico y mensajería;★ Memoria: el servicio que se ofrece es completamente en línea,esdecir, no se almacenarán las imágenes en su teléfono, haciendodela mayor parte del espacio en el dispositivo;★ Navegación: la aplicación está totalmente mejorado parafuncionarsin problemas;★ Disponibilidad: puedes guardar todas las imágenes que desee eneldispositivo con sólo pulsar un botón;★ Compatibilidad: la aplicación es compatible con losteléfonosmóviles y las tabletas, la adaptación de la mejor manera asudispositivo.Nota:★ La aplicación requiere Wi-Fi, 3G o 4G para cargarlasimágenes.You do not know whattowrite to their friends and family in this Happy InternationalDayof Happiness? Want to send beautiful messages of good happy dayforall those you love?As well. With this application, you can send the best pictureswithphrases Happy Day of Happiness for everyone wishing well.Are beautiful messages of various types, from classic to morefun,suitable for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, line, Mixi,ICQ,telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: You can download and use the free application onyourphone;★ Easy operation: simply slide your finger on the images andchoosethe ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages to send the mostbeautifulimages;★ Quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: Find all posts by Happy Day of Happiness inyourlanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail servicesandmessaging;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimagesare not stored on your phone, making the most of the space onthedevice;★ Navigation: The application is fully upgraded torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on thedeviceat the touch of a button;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G to load images.
Schönen Tag Bilder Beiträge 2.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Schönen Tag zu schreiben? Haben SieschöneNachrichten von einem Schönen Tag für alle diejenigen, dieSielieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mit SchönenTagSätze für alle diejenigen senden, die Sie auch wollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know what towritethis nice day your friends and family? Do you have beautifulnewsof a good day for all those who have to send love?Good. With this app you can for those who send the best imageswithgood day phrases that you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Feliz Natal
Não sabe o que escrever para os seus amigosefamiliares neste Natal?Quer personalizar o seu aparelho celular com as melhores papéisdeparede natalinos?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Natal para todos aqueles que vocêquer bem,além de ter, à sua disposição, lindos papéis de parede commotivosnatalinos para personalizar o seu dispositivo.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Telegram, Twitter e outras redessociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Dupla utilidade: as melhores mensagens para enviar e as maisbelasimagens para configurar como papel de parede do seucelular;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seuidiomanatal;★ Compartihamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais, e-mailseserviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towriteto their friends and family this Christmas?Want to customize your mobile device with thebestChristmas-wallpapers?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withChristmassentences for all those who you want as well, and has, atitsdisposal, beautiful wallpapers Christmas-motives to customizeyourdevice.Are beautiful messages of various types, from the classical tothemost fun, suitable for your needs, you can share via email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ double function: the best message to send the mostbeautifulimages to set as your phone's wallpaper;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in theirnativelanguage;★ Compartihamento: available for all social networks, e-mailandmessaging services;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Amizade em Mensagens 3.0
Envie maravilhosas mensagens e imagensdeamizade e carinho para todos os seus amigos, desejando-lhes umBomDia e compartilhando a sua felicidade em tê-los comoamigos.São belas mensagens, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twittere outrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Send wonderfulmessagesand friendship and affection images to all your friends,wishingthem a good day and sharing their happiness to have themasfriends.Are beautiful messages, suitable for your needs, you can shareviaemail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber,QQ,Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all the messages in your language;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Dia das Crianças Mensagens 2.0
Não sabe o que escrever para os seusfilhos,parentes e amigos neste Dia das Crianças? Deseja enviarlindasmensagens de um Bom Dia das Crianças para todos?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Dia das Crianças para aspessoas quevocê quer bem.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towriteto their children, relatives and friends in this Children'sDay? Doyou want to send beautiful messages of a Good Children's Dayforeveryone?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures with phrasesofHappy Children's Day for the people you want as well.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all the messages in your language;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Schönen Nachmittag Bilder 2.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Schönen Nachmittag zu schreiben? Haben SieschöneNachrichten von einem Glücklich Schönen Nachmittag fürallediejenigen, die Sie lieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mitSchönenNachmittag Sätze für alle diejenigen senden, die Sieauchwollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know whatyou'rewriting this Good afternoon your friends and family? Do youhavebeautiful news of a Happy Good afternoon to all those that youloveto send?Good. With this app you the best images with Good afternoonsendrecords for all the ones that you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Fronleichnam Bilder Beiträge 1.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Fronleichnam zu schreiben? Haben SieschöneNachrichten von einem Glücklich Fronleichnam für allediejenigen,die Sie lieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mitFronleichnamSätze für alle diejenigen senden, die Sie auchwollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know whatyou'rewriting this Corpus Christi your friends and family? Do youhavebeautiful news of a Happy Corpus Christi for all those thatyoulove to send?Good. With this app you can for those who send the best imageswithCorpus records that you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Dia dos Namorados Mensagens 1.0
Não sabe o que escrever para o seu grandeamorneste Dia dos Namorados?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Dia dos Namorados paraexpressar todo oseu amor para a pessoa que você ama.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Utilidade: as melhores mensagens com as mais belas imagensparaenviar;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seu idioma;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towritefor his great love this Valentine's Day?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withphrasesHappy Valentine's Day to express all your love for theperson youlove.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share viaemail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Line,Mixi , ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ handling ease: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: the best messages with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all the messages in your language;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want on yourdevicewith a single button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting the best way to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Hallo Bilder Beiträge 2.0
Wissen Sie nicht, was Sie Ihren FreundenundFamilie dieses Hallo zu schreiben? Haben Sie schöne Nachrichtenvoneinem Hallo für alle diejenigen, die Sie lieben zu senden?Gut. Mit dieser App können Sie die besten Bilder mit Hallo Sätzefüralle diejenigen senden, die Sie auch wollen.Sie sind schön Nachrichten verschiedener Art, vom klassischen bisammeisten Spaß, für Ihre Bedürfnisse, können Sie teilen perE-Mail,SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Linie,Mixi , ICQ, Telegramm, Twitter und anderen sozialenNetzwerken.Charakteristik:★ Gratuity: Sie können die kostenlose App auf IhremHandyherunterladen und verwenden;★ Einfache Handhabung: Sie einfach mit Ihrem Finger über dieBildergleiten und wählen Sie die, die Sie am besten gefällt;★ Utility: die besten Nachrichten mit den schönsten Bildernzusenden;★ Qualität: die besten Bilder speziell für Sie ausgewählt;★ Sprache: Sie werden alle Meldungen in IhrerMuttersprachefinden;★ Teilen: für alle sozialen Netzwerke, E-Mail-undMessaging-Dienste;★ Speicher: der angebotene Service ist komplett online, dasheißt,werden die Bilder nicht auf dem Telefon gespeichert werden,damitSie den größten Teil des Raumes auf Ihrem Gerät zumachen;★ Navigation: Die Anwendung ist vollständig verbessertreibungsloslaufen;★ Verfügbarkeit: Sie können alle Bilder speichern Sie miteinemeinzigen Tastendruck auf Ihrem Gerät wünschen;★ Kompatibilität: Die Anwendung ist kompatibel mitMobiltelefonenund Tablet-PCs, der beste Weg, um Ihr Gerätanzupassen.Hinweis:★ Die Anwendung erfordert Wi-Fi, 3G oder 4G für das LadenvonBildern.Do not know what towritethis Hello your friends and family? Do you have beautifulmessagesfrom a Hello to all those that you love to send?Good. With this app you can for those who send the bestpictureswith hi records that you want to.They are beautiful messages of various kinds, from the classictothe most fun for your needs, you can share via email, SMS,MMS,Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi,ICQ,message, Twitter and other social networks.characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download on your phone and use thefreeapp;★ Easy to use: Simply slide over the images with your fingerandchoose the ones you like best;★ Utility: to send the best news with the mostbeautifulimages;★ quality: the best images selected especially for you;★ Language: You will find all the messages in yournativelanguage;★ parts: for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, that is,theimages will not be stored on the phone so you can make the mostofthe space on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully improved run smoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images want with asinglebutton on your device;★ compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablet PCs, the best way to personalize your device.Note:★ The application requires Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Feliz Ano Novo
Não sabe o que escrever para os seus amigosefamiliares neste Ano Novo?Quer personalizar o seu aparelho celular com os melhores papéisdeparede de Ano Novo?Pois bem. Com este aplicativo, você poderá enviar asmelhoresimagens com frases de Feliz Ano Novo para todos aqueles quevocêquer bem, além de ter, à sua disposição, lindos papéis deparedecom motivos de Ano Novo para personalizar o seudispositivo.São belas mensagens, de diversos tipos, desde as clássicas atéasmais divertidas, adequadas para a sua necessidade, que vocêpodecompartilhar por e-mail, SMS, MMS, Google+, WhatsApp,Facebook,Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line, Mixi, ICQ, Telegram, Twitter eoutrasredes sociais.Características:★ Gratuidade: você pode baixar e utilizar o aplicativogratuitamenteno seu celular;★ Facilidade de manuseio: você apenas desliza o seu dedopelasimagens e escolhe aquelas que mais gostar;★ Dupla utilidade: as melhores mensagens para enviar e as maisbelasimagens para configurar como papel de parede do seucelular;★ Qualidade: as melhores imagens selecionadas especialmenteparavocê;★ Idioma: você encontrará todas as mensagens no seuidiomanatal;★ Compartilhamento: disponível para todas as redes sociais,e-mailse serviços de mensagens;★ Memória: o serviço oferecido é completamente on-line, ou seja,asimagens não ficarão armazenadas no seu celular, ajudando vocêaaproveitar ao máximo o espaço no seu aparelho;★ Navegação: o aplicativo é totalmente aprimorado para funcionarsemproblemas;★ Disponibilidade: você pode salvar todas as imagens que quiseremseu aparelho com um simples toque de botão;★ Compatibilidade: o aplicativo é compatível com telefonescelularese tablets, adaptando-se da melhor forma ao seudispositivo.Observação:★ O aplicativo necessita de internet wi-fi, 3G ou 4G paraocarregamento das imagens.Do not know what towriteto their friends and family this New Year?Want to customize your mobile device with the best NewYearwallpapers?Well. With this app, you can submit the best images with HappyNewYear to all those phrases you want as well, and has, atitsdisposal, beautiful wallpapers with New Year's reasonsforpersonalizing your device.Are beautiful messages of various types, from the classical tothemost fun, suitable for your needs, you can share via email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ, Line,Mixi ,ICQ, Telegram, Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ double function: the best message to send the mostbeautifulimages to set as your phone's wallpaper;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in theirnativelanguage;★ Sharing: available to all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ memory: the service offered is completely online, ie, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your device;★ Navigation: The application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: You can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: The application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Happy Mother’s Day Messages 1.0
Don’t you know what to write for mothersthatare part of your life on this Happy Mother’s Day?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures withHappyMother’s Day sentences for all mothers who you want as well,any ofyour family or dear friends, including your mother.There are beautiful messages of various types, from the classicaltothe most fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Function: the best message with the most beautiful imagestosend;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in yournativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loading images.
Happy April Fool’s Day 1.0
Don’t you know what to write to yourfriendsand family this Happy April Fool’s Day? Do you want to havefunsending funny messages of Happy April Fool’s Day?Well. With this app, you can send the best pictures with HappyAprilFool’s Day sentences for all those who wish.There are fun messages of various types, from the classical tothemost fun, suitable for your needs, you can share by email,SMS,MMS, Google+, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, QQ,Telegram,Twitter and other social networks.Characteristics:★ Gratuity: you can download and use the free app onyourcellphone;★ Ease of handling: you just slide your finger over the picturesandchoose the ones you like best;★ Function: the best messages and images to send;★ Quality: the best images specially selected for you;★ Language: you will find all messages in yournativelanguage;★ Share: available for all social networks, e-mail andmessagingservices;★ Memory: the service offered is completely online, so, theimageswill not be stored on your phone, helping you make the mostof thespace on your cellphone;★ Navigation: the application is fully enhanced torunsmoothly;★ Availability: you can save all the images you want in yourdevicewith a simple button press;★ Compatibility: the application is compatible with mobilephonesand tablets, adapting optimally to your device.Note:★ The application requires wi-fi, 3G or 4G for loadingimages.